2/25/2023 The Bulldog Bash, benefit for St. James Regional School, Call School for Tickets & Info.
3/11/2023 St. Patrick’s Day Parade, Springfield, PA. Additional info at www.stjbulldogs.org. (Tentative)
4/15/2023 The Belle Tones Dinner Show, Doors open at 5:30, Dinner at 6:00, Show at 7:30.
4/23/2023 Annual Memorial Mass & Luncheon, St. Madeline’s Church, 110 Park St. Ridley Park, PA 19078 at 2:00 PM. Luncheon to follow at The Doghouse.
4/29/2023 “Dogs for a Cause”, Poker Tournament at The Doghouse. Additional info at www.stjbulldogs.org.
5/5/2023 Annual Knights of St. James Dinner, The Doghouse 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM.
5/7/2023 Class of ’63 Reunion, Check Web Site for Details.
5/21/2023 Scholarship Luncheon, Annual Scholarship Luncheon, The Doghouse, 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM.
6/22/2023 James Hegarty ’59 Memorial Blood Drive, The Doghouse, 1:00 PM.
8/12/2023 “Dogs on the Dunes” Flip Flopz, 106 W. Spruce Ave. North Wildwood, NJ. 08260 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM, cost is $25.00 in advance $30.00 at the Door. Bulldog Ruffle Drawling.
8/17/2023 American Red Cross Blood Drive, The Doghouse, 1:00 PM.
9/18/2023 36th Annual Bulldog Scramble, Rock Manor Golf Course. 9:00 AM Shotgun Start. For additional information call the Doghouse at 610-876-2006 or visit web site at www.stjbulldogs.org
9/29/2023 Wall of Honor Dinner, Lazaretto Ballroom, Essington. Information will be on www.stjbulldogs.org
10/28/2022 Concert Show and Dinner, (Check Web Site for additional information)
November Annual Turkey Drive. Wednesday & Thursday November 15th and 16th. Time: Wednesday 8:00 AM 6:00 PM and Thursday 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM.
11/18/2023 “Dogs for a Cause” Baggo Tournament. Additional info at www.stjbulldogs.org.
11/25/2023 Class of ‘68 Reunion, Check Web Site for Details.
12/5/2023 James Hegarty ’59 Memorial Blood Drive, The Doghouse 1:00 PM
12/10/2023 Blue & Gray Voices Christmas Concert.
12/12/2023 All Class Lunch, The Doghouse, $20.00 and bring a Toy to kick off Toy Drive.
December Annual Toy & Clothing Drive. Wednesday & Thursday December 13th & 14th. Time: Wed. 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM. Thursday 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM.
Alumni Board Meetings are held the second Monday of the Month from September to June.
Rosary & Mass at 6:15 and 6:30, Meeting starts at 7:30. Social immediately following Meeting.